One stop shop for your logistic needs


Our Delivery Services


3 hours priority service for urgent delivery. The last order will be accepted by 2pm, please call us after placing the order


5 hours service – When order is placed by noon, delivery will be done before the close of business on the same day

Same Day

For orders created before 11:00am, delivery will be done between the time order was placed and before the close of business on the same day.

Over Night

For orders placed before 4pm, delivery will be done latest by close of business on next working day. Please call after placing the order

Easy & Reliable Portal For Work Order Generation

Intuitive and fully automated platform to generate / manage work orders with ease and minimal clicks providing end to end transparency.

We continually look forward to improving the experience and simplicity of our services, rethinking how we can bring digital transformation to serve our customers better.

Step 1

Secure Self-serve portal for clients

Step 2

One Click Order Generation

Step 3

Custom Dashboard & smart route planning

Step 4

Delivery confirmation for satisfaction

Connect with us

If you need more information about our product & services, feel free to reach out to us using the message box here or on our whatsapp.